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Latest Fortnite Stats and Leaks for Update 33.20



The Fortnite Gozilla event just launched last week and the hype is still strong! The arrival of season 7 marks the start of a new adventure as players can begin to progress on the new battle pass and seasonal challenges. From pop stars to the king of monsters, season 7 is bound to be an exciting season for Fortnite fans. Even though this isn’t the biggest of drops, a considerable number of updates are coming in with the music pass.

The Music Pass

The Music pass for the new season comes with both a free and premium pass with the more exciting items arriving in the latter. The premium pass is priced at 1400 V-bucks, but it’s always cheaper to buy the pass now and level it rather than purchasing the cosmetics later on through the shop. Fortnite crew subscribers will receive the premium pass upon logging into the game.

The free music pass allows the player to earn 12 rewards upon leveling up but the premium version offers 30. This massive disparity is why we always encourage our readers to cash in on the premium version, as it’s almost always a better choice.

The star of the pass is the Neko Hatsune Miku outfit paired with the Brine Style. But the remainder of the music is nothing to scoff at, with instruments and emotes loaded in. Players can now replace their pickaxes and back blings with microphones and guitars. These fun-filled cosmetics make the music pass a valuable purchase.

Kong and Godzilla Skins

As expected through the various Fortnite leaks, both Kong and Godzilla are receiving their complementary skins. The Godzilla mythic skin allows the player to transform into a kaiju, allowing the player to roam around, stomping everyone and everything to oblivion. The Godzilla mini-boss event is also live on servers, giving players an additional quest to complete within the game. However, the rumored Kong mythic is yet to surface, which can pave the way for some epic brawls.

If you are a fan of skins, it’s best to keep an eye out on the shop as the Mechagodzilla is set to arrive through the rotations soon.

The Godzilla experience

The Godzilla experience gives the player a 20% chance to be the Godzilla. Upon spawning on the map, players will be presented with a portal. The first player to go through the portal will respawn as Godzilla to terrorize the lobby,

Once the player transforms into the Kaiju variant, the remaining lobby will be tasked to mow it down to obtain the rewards for eliminating the threat. Currently, the reward is a recharging dash ability and a weapon named the Exotic Burst Quad Launcher. The best part about the showdown is being able to wield the infamous Unvaulted Railgun. Take cover behind the shield bubble and give him hell!

Make sure to unlock everything in the Godzilla tab as it’s not always that we get two epic passes to complete simultaneously.

Local Multiplayer Experience

The latest Fortnite stats state that over 40% of players wish-listed a local game mode to enjoy with friends and family. Luckily for us, update 33.20 allows Xbox and PlayStation players to game on a local network as long as the local lobby has individual Fortnite accounts. This is the best way to enjoy the Fortnite festival!

Upcoming Content Drops

Remember those fantastic cosmetics from the DC season? Fortnite leaks state that these cosmetics are bound to arrive in rotation soon! However, we aren’t sure about the actual dates. With the massive amounts of content already being introduced through the Fortnite Godzilla Event and music pass, it’s highly unlikely that the older cosmetics will arrive at the shops within the next few weeks.

The updated Zapatron is set to be released soon. We expect the weapon to be fully released in the main game or there’s a chance it might arrive with the OG mode.  The OG season is set to release on the 31st of January and there’s a brand new mode that arrives with it. We expect the game to retain the OG mode as a permanent game mode, but official news on the matter is yet to arrive.

Bonus Leak

We love a good leak! As notorious as it may be, leaks are some of the most exciting experiences to look forward to each week. This week’s leak is about King of the Hill! Leaks suggest that there might be a crossover event soon featuring King of the Hill characters. 

It seems that Fortnite is once again becoming the biggest crossover platform, with every major studio making appearances. Only Nintendo has yet to join hands with Fortnite as they remain stoic in their attempts to avoid affiliates with the title. 

It’s a massive content drop

This sums up our summary of the latest content drop arriving with 33.20 patch! We have a list of juicy leaks that we are itching to release upon receiving confirmation from our research teams. Till then, be steady on the trigger and await our next post.


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