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Best Tips For New Rust Players in 2025

Rust is one of the most prominent survival games out there and has remained a popular source of content for more than a decade. With thousands of veteran players roaming the servers preying for fresh meat, a newbie needs all the help they can get. This blog compiles more than ten of the best tips out there for youngsters in Rust to survive and thrive within this harsh community. If you’re looking to build, learn, and prosper, then this blog will be an invaluable read for you!


Medkits, Medkits, and more Medkits

Yes, it’s true that medkits aren’t terribly difficult to find and aren’t the rarest of useables. But, the necessity of these beautiful red boxes makes them a must-have at all times. Weapons lose durability over time, and structures break down with abuse, but medkits are a one-time thing. Therefore, it’s best to craft as many as you can for those unexpected moments. Being able to research and craft your own medkits is without a doubt one of the most helpful things in Rust, especially when taking on those extended PVP fights. So ensure that you make good use of this feature.


Don’t Get Too Greedy While Farming

Farming can be a meditative activity in Rust for a quiet weekend, but players often get too absorbed in the activities that farm too much! Farming too much is a thing?

It all breaks down to a very simple core aspect of the game. Rust is full loot, which means that if you die, you will loose everything that you currently have on your body. This includes your gear, loot, items, and salvaged resources. Therefore, if you farm too much and get discovered by the enemies, you will be nothing more than a bag of loot for them

Therefore, it’s always a good idea to schedule regular trips to your base in order to store those goodies.

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Be Mindful When Cooking

Cooking and Crafting are two of the most integral parts of a survival game. Cooking for the most part is viewed as a calming experience where you are able to finally reap the rewards of painstakingly scavenging around for resources.

However, most newbies make a very grave mistake when it comes to cooking. When you make an open fire at night, the light can be seen for miles around, which just screams “ Here I am, please raid me”. A good tip is to cook everything before night comes around. In the event of you running out of food in the middle of the night, go as far away as you can from the main base before starting a fire to cook the food. It’s better to lose a few pieces of meat than revealing the location of your base to enemies.


Don’t be Flashy With the Base

This is Rust and not Sims! It’s a game of survival and strategic warfare, which doesn’t go hand-in-hand with building the best-looking base. Sure, the base is an important part of the whole journey, but attracting viewers and gaining the attention of potential enemies is not something you’d want in Rust.

Build a strong and secure base with the bare necessities. Unless you belong to a massive raid group, building a complex base is never a good idea and structures are always the first to be destroyed in a raid. And with very few companions to protect your base, it’ll soon be reduced to rubble.

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Avoid the Knees

While this may be a bug, it’s still prevalent within Rust, and yet to be patched. When shooting an enemy on the knees or lower, a visual cue of blood spurts can be seen. But, this indication doesn’t carry through to the actual damage dealt as the game doesn’t register any shots below the knee.

Therefore, avoid shooting anyone below the knee. A good area to aim for is the chest region as it spans the widest hitbox. But, as always headshots are the most effective.


Scrap From the Ocean

Scrap is one of the most important resources to collect early on as it can be used to craft workbenches and upgrade weaponry. However, finding scrap can be a struggle at times due to industrial sites being under heavy competition.

A well kept secret that’s slowly leaking out is that the coast is a hotspot for barrels. The floating barrels can be broken down which results in scrap that can be used for upgrades.


Multiple Base Strategy

Garner no attention! Creating massive bases and hoarding loot will always attract enemies. A strategy that has been tested through the sands of time is to create multiple bases.

In simpler terms, the group should have a primary base for operations. However, the remaining loot, valuables, and weaponry should be stored in separate huts in discrete locations. If one base gets raided the remainder will be safe!


Final Words of Advic

Be efficient on the first few runs! Make it a priority to familiarize yourself with the mechanics of Rust as soon you spawn into the game. The next order of business is to find a rock and make your way to the nearest fishing village. Collect wood, stone, and hemp to build your hut at the end of the first day in order to create the initial base of operations to make it through the night.

But, if all of this feels too overwhelming to process, it’s always a smart move to get some additional help. Our cheats for Rust are the best in business, allowing you to discretely dominate the opposition without the server moderators ever finding out! Play smart, not hard!


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