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ssz last won the day on January 25

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  1. Hey mate. If you join the Discord, we have a community there where people share their configs etc. https://discord.gg/ssz 🙂
  2. Thanks for the feedback mate! Enjoy ❤️
  3. Love to see it bro!
  4. Glad you're enjoying!
  5. ssz


    Great post!
  6. Follow these tips to keep your account safe: Moderate Your Stats: Balance your headshot %, PMC/Scav kills, and K/D ratio. Limit PMC Kills: No more than 10 PMC kills per hour. High velocity of reports => Very fast ban Minimize Reports: Avoid gameplay that could lead to being reported. Play Time Matters: Accounts with higher play hours are less likely to be banned. EOD/Unheard Accounts: EOD /Unheard Edition accounts generally have a lower chance to get reported. Usage of Risky Functions: Risky functions which may trigger tripwires on EFT's server-side may cause you to be flagged for a ban.
  7. ssz

    PUBG - Ring-1

    Glad you like it my friend!
  8. ssz

    R6S Ring1

    Thanks for the great feedback! Much appreciated ❤️
  9. ssz

    R6S Ring1

    Go here mate - https://ssz.gg/forums/forum/12-cheat-guides/
  10. Information DMA stands for "Direct Memory Access," a concept in computer science and digital systems. In the context of video game cheating, "DMA" refers to a specific technique known as "Direct Memory Access cheating." This method involves directly manipulating the game's memory to gain an advantage or exploit certain mechanics. Experienced cheaters use tools or programs to locate and modify these values in real time, allowing them to secure unfair benefits in the game. DMA cheating can facilitate various actions, such as enhancing player stats, circumventing game restrictions, or altering the game environment to gain an edge over opponents. What You Need to use DMA Main PC (to run the game) Second PC: $180 Mini PC DMA Card DMA Card Firmware DMA Cheat Optional Additions for Some Games Fuser KMBox What Are the Benefits of Using DMA? Extremely low detection rates. More affordable monthly costs: DMA cheats are typically less expensive than internal cheats. Long-term savings: You'll spend less over time on accounts and cheat subscriptions.
  11. Appreciate the feedback! Glad to hear you’re enjoying it ❤️
  12. How about follow the normal process for receiving support and make a ticket on our Discord? https://discord.gg/ssz
  13. Sounds like you're shadow banned mate. Shadow bans are completely normal and happen when you're reported too many times by other players. Simply have to wait 5-7 days for it to expire then you're good to go again!
  14. yea buddy!
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